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Draw a circle having radius 3 cm.

Important Questions on Basic Geometrical Ideas


A sector of radius 12 centimetres and central angle 120° is rolled up into a cone. What is the central angle of the sector to be used to make a cone of base radius 2 centimetres and height 4 centimetres?


The length of two chords AB and CD of a circle of centre O are equal and AOB=60° then, COD is


Only one circle can be drawn through three non collinear points.


In the given figure, BC is the diameter of a circle and BAO=60° then ADC is equal to

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In the given figure, ABCDE is a pentagon inscribed in a circle such that AC is a diameter and side BCAE. If BAC=50°, find giving reason EDC.

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Prove that, the angle in the semicircle is right angle.


AB is the diameter of the circle. D is the point on the circle.

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ACB+ADB+AEB=270°. The measure of one among ACB, ADB and AEB is 110° . Write the measures of ACB, ADB, AEB.

Draw a circle of radius 3 cm. Mark a point 7 cm away from its centre. Draw the tangents to the circle from this point.

The angle subtended by the diameter of a circle at a point on the circumference is _____.

Two circles intersect each other at the points P and Q. If the diameters of the two circles are PA and PB respectively, then prove that A, Q, B are collinear.

In the given figure O is centre of a circle, AOB = 40° and BDC = 100° then the value of OBC will be

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On the circle with center O, points A,B are such that OA = AB. A point C is located on the tangent at B to the circle such that A and C are on the opposite sides of the line OB and AB=BC. The line segment AC intersects the circle again at F. Then the ratio BOF:BOC is equal to -

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In figure if OAB=40°, then ACB is equal to

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In the figure, the chord BD is perpendicular to the diameter AC. Find the measure of CDM. (in °).

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If the ratio of the area of two circles is 9:16, then the ratio of their circumference _____.

The wheels of a car are of diameter 80 cm each. How many complete revolutions does each wheel make in 10 minutes when the car is traveling at a speed of 66 km per hour? use π=227

Write the perimeter of semicircle of radius r.

In the figure, O is the centre of a circle, AC is a diameter. If ACB = 50°, then find the measure of BAC(in °).

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Let A, B, C be three points on a circle of radius 1 such that ACB=π4. Then the length of the side AB is
In an acute-angled triangle ABC, the altitudes from A, B, C when extended intersect the circumcircle again at points A1, B1, C1 respectively. If ABC=45°, then A1B1C1 equals